The Immaculate Heart of Mary School Board operates under and supports our school mission:
Guided by Mother Mary, our patroness, Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic School learns, leads, and serves as disciple of Christ.
The School Board is a Board of limited jurisdiction that assists the principal and pastor in guiding the educational programs at Immaculate Heart of Mary School. The Board meets the second Wednesday every other month from August through June.
The term for each member is three years with an option to renew. Any interested candidates will be asked to complete a candidate application by clicking the “IHM School Board Candidate Application” link below. Prospective board members should possess a genuine interest in Catholic schools, a willingness to support the school and diocesan philosophy and mission, a desire to maintain high levels of integrity and confidentiality, and the ability to make the necessary time commitment for meetings, board activities, and periodic in-service programs.
Board Members
Monica Reeder
President (Executive Committee, Marketing Committee)
Amanda Solt
Secretary (Executive Committee)
Joel Arends
Mission Effectiveness Committee
Hannah Naltner
Policy and Planning Committee
Marleigh Plachecki
Committee on New Directors

Steve Weber
Building and Grounds Committee
Lexi Willison
Policy and Planning Committee
Ex Officio Board Members
Fr. Troy Nevins, Pastor
Fr. David Jameson, Parochial Vicar
Holly Lake, Principal
Anne Brown, Assistant Principal
IHM School Board Committees
Executive Committee
Made up of President, Vice-President and Secretary positions
- To provide overall Board leadership and coordination of Board functions and responsibilities.
- To act as liaison with the school administration and Board.
Mission Effectiveness Committee
- To formulate and propose to the Board, policies and plans which will ensure that the school maintains and enhances its identity as Catholic and carries out its mission.
- To work with the administration, staff and faculty on programs designed to publicly enhance the Catholic character and identity of the school.
Committee on New Directors
- To create a process for recruiting new Board members and to design and implement a process for the selection of Board officers.
- To ensure the strength of the Board and the implementation of its responsibilities by providing appropriate orientations, in-service training, and evaluations.
Policy and Planning Committee
- To assist the administration in the formulation of a long-range strategic plan.
- To monitor the strategic plan and review objectives for possible policy.
- To assist the administration in the formulation of policy to guide academic, student, business, development and faith community affairs.
Marketing Committee
To assist the Principal, Board, and Recruitment Team with planning, creating, implementing, and monitoring a program to market Immaculate Heart of Mary School for image and enrollment.
Building and Grounds Committee
To develop and monitor long-term facility maintenance, capital improvements, security, space utilization and emergency management plans for the school.
Finance Committee
Development Committee
Communication Committee
Meeting Schedule for 2024-2025
Board meetings are held on the second Wednesday every other month, beginning in August. Please refer to the school calendar to confirm specific meeting dates, time, and location details. Because they are set in advance, dates and times may change, as needed.
Meeting Minutes
2024-2025 Campus Liaisons
Board Member | Organization |
Marc Sink | Athletic Association |
Steve Heidenreich | Finance Council |
Monica Reeder | Home and School Association |
position open | Killgoar Education Foundation |