The School Board is a Board of limited jurisdiction that assists the principal and Pastor in guiding the educational programs at Immaculate Heart of Mary School. The Board meets the second Wednesday every other month from August through June.

The term for each member is three years with an option to renew. Any interested candidates will be asked to fill out a candidate resume to be turned in at the Parish Office or School Office. Prospective board members should have a genuine interest in Catholic schools, have a willingness to support the school and diocesan philosophy and mission, be willing to maintain high levels of integrity and confidentiality, and have the ability to make the time commitment for meetings, board activities, and periodic in-service programs.

Board Members

Monica Reeder

Vice President & Parent

Amanda Solt

Secretary & Parent

Joel Arends


Steve Weber


Schedule for 2023-2024*

All meetings are at 6 p.m. in the parish Hearts and Hands Room on the second Wednesday every other month.

August             October             December             February             April             June

*Meetings dates/times are set in advance and may change, as needed.

2023-2024 Campus Liaisons

Board MemberOrganization
Marc SinkAthletic Association
Brandy IacopelliFinance Council
Monica ReederHome and School Association
Whitney KaufmanKillgoar Education Foundation