At Immaculate Heart of Mary School, we are proud to offer a variety of opportunities to engage every student. We encourage students to be active participants in our school and parish community and to find opportunities to serve Christ and better themselves. Below are many of the clubs and activities we offer.
Faith in Action
- This program provides an opportunity for IHM parishioners and IHM students to pray for one another’s prayer intentions.
- Strengthens the connection between IHM parish and school.
- Encourages the habit of Intercessory prayer among IHM students.
- Increases the ability of IHM students to remember the intentions of others during prayer.
- A hands-on Montessori style approach to faith formation
- Children work with materials that help them internalize and ponder the great mysteries of our faith.
- Sacred Scripture, the Liturgy, and the Magisterium are all used to reveal the Good News to children.
EDGE – Grades 6-8
- Catholic middle school youth ministry designed to break open the Church’s teachings and build solid, Christ-centered relationships that allow them to comfortably explore their Catholic faith and make it relevant to their everyday lives.
- Edge Nights occur every Wednesday during the school year.
- Edge also offers social, service and recreational activities designed to create a greater sense of community.
- For more information, visit the IHM parish website.
ALTAR SERVERS – Grades 4-8
- Altar servers are a vital part of the Holy Mass as they process in with the crucifix and the candles, hold the book for the priest, assist in setting and clearing the altar for our Eucharistic celebration, and are present to the priest in meeting his needs during the liturgy.
- Altar servers have a ‘front-row seat’ as the bread and wine are turned into Jesus’s Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity.
- For more information, visit the IHM parish website.

Fitness Activities
- Promotes exercise through running or walking as students can track their mileage every week and earn rewards after certain goals are met.
SKI CLUB – Grades K-8
- IHM students and families can enjoy participating in a discount ski/snowboard program at Cannonsburg Ski Area during the winter.
- Ski Club is scheduled six Friday evenings in January/February.
- Chaperoned transportation is available for students in grades 4-8. Parent chaperones ski for free.
GIRLS ON THE RUN – Girls in Grades 3-5
- A curriculum-based, after-school character development program in which important life lessons are discussed while participating in fun running games
- Emphasizes independent thinking, making healthy choices, conflict resolution, and problem solving
- Culminates with participation in a non-competitive Celebration 5K in downtown Grand Rapids
- Boys sports – football, soccer, cross-country, basketball, wrestling, tennis, lacrosse, track & field, baseball
- Girls – volleyball, cross-country, sideline cheer (cheerleading), basketball, soccer, lacrosse, track & field, softball
- For more information, visit the GRACEAC website.

Academic Enrichment
- “Friendly competition is at the heart of Challenge, as teams of students … engage in research, problem-solving, coding and engineering – building and programming a LEGO robot that navigates the missions of a robot game. As part of Challenge, teams also participate in a research project to identify and solve a relevant real-world problem.” FLL Website
- IHM students devote approximately 2 hours per week to learning and preparing for competitive events – building and programming devices, working collaboratively to solve problems, and preparing for exciting STEM-aligned experiences.
SCIENCE FAIR – Grades 7-8
- Students in 7th and 8th grade will employ the scientific method to explore cause and effect relationships, culminating in the spring Science Fair.
- Working independently, students will identify a question, conduct background research, construct a hypothesis, do an experiment, analyze data, draw a conclusion, and communicate results both verbally and in poster format.
- IHM students, families, and parishioners are welcome to attend the science fair.
- An annual competition that aims to help students improve their spelling, increase their vocabularies, learn concepts and develop correct English usage that will help them all their lives.
CATHOLIC BEE – Grades 4-8
- The Catholic Bee tests IHM students’ knowledge of our saints, stations of the cross, the Old and New Testaments, the rosary and our Blessed Mother, and the liturgical seasons, among other topics.

Fine Arts
CHOIR – Grades K-2 & 3-6
- IHM students explore music and liturgy in Seedling Choir (K-2) and Gregory Choir (3-6), sharing their talents with the parish at scheduled Masses.
- Rehearse Wednesdays after school, 3:30-4 (K-2) and 4-4:45 (3-6).
- Contact Liz Owen to find out more!
BAND – Grades 5-8
- Beginning Band and Middle School Band students learn to the fundamental aspects of their instruments, as well as music literacy and rehearsal etiquette.
- 7th & 8th grade students take band class at Catholic Central High School with other area Catholic middle school students three mornings a week.
- Students participate in 2-3 performances per year.

Scout Organizations
- American Heritage Girls is a Christ-centered character and leadership development program for girls dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country.
- Girls participate in badge programs, service projects, leadership opportunities, and outdoor experiences – all with an emphasis on Christian values and family involvement.
CUB SCOUTS and BOY SCOUTS – Grades 1-8
- The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.
- There are four aims of Scouting: citizenship, character, personal fitness, and leadership.
- The methods of Cub Scouting are: living the ideals, belonging to a den, advancement, family involvement, activities, serving the community, and the uniform.
- Cub Scouts (grades 1-5) meet at IHM.
- Boy Scouts (grades 6-8) meet at St. Paul the Apostle Parish.

- At IHM, each grade identifies a service-learning project and ties service activities to curricular standards and content areas.
- Projects are organized around clear learning goals and provide meaningful service activities that address real community needs.
- The 8th grade leadership council participates in strategic planning, coordinates the school-wide Cathedral Outreach service project, plans and implements IHM pep-rallies, and helps to plan the 8th grade class trip.
- Students are selected through class elections.